Affordable Medical & Dental Programs - Birmingham - Health services, beauty services, Birmingham - 2924


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Affordable Medical & Dental Programs - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 2924 Updated: 08-08-2008 17:23 by via

Price: 19.95 USD $

Offering: Health services, beauty services in United States, Alabama, Birmingham

Our company offers an unmatched Medical and Dental benefits plan and is the largest discount health benefits company in the United States. Our Medical and Dental plan prices are as follows: Medical Plan - Includes FREE Dental, Vision, Prescription and Chiropractic Plans. The Plan is just $39.95 per month for an entire household. Dental Plan - Includes FREE Vision, Prescription and Chiropractic Plans. The plan is just $19.95 per month for your entire household! With our plan, you would have: X No limit on the number of visits or services X Coverage for pre-existing conditions, except orthodontics in progress X No exclusions, no waiting period and no annual plan limit. You can access a list of providers in your area by logging on to and clicking on "Locate a Provider". You can also enroll online on this site. If you have any questions or are ready to enroll, please do not hesitate to contact me.


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